This library is a programmatic interface in python to generate a circuit for the bigger and more useful SHEEP library.

The library has a few data types :

To create a circuit, the basic class to inherit is mini_mod in mathsheep.interactions. To add more components, you can use self.add(component) inside the create function as shown below.:

class oneb_adder(mini_mod):
     def __init__(self, name, inputs, outputs, nb=None,
                     randomize_temps=1, carry=True):
      mini_mod.__init__(self, name, inputs, outputs)

     def create(self, ...):

Two types of components can be added.

There are a few predefined mini_mods. They can be found in

You can also visualize the circuits you create. test.sheep is a circuit file.:

import sys
import matSHEEP.create_graph as cg
complete_node = cg.get_circuit_graph('./test.sheep')
ng = cg.networkx_graph(complete_node)

And you can get


gFor more high level operations and results using layers of Neural Networks visit this markdown