Open Positions
I am looking for highly motivated PhD students and Postdocs, with a strong background
in probability, statistics, linear algebra, and programming. Reach out
to me if you are interested (and refer to this paragraph below in your
email) in pursuing a PhD or Postdoc with me on topics in Theory and
Foundations of Machine Learning, that you think will also be of
interest to me. In your email,
- If you are looking for a PhD position , describe your past educational and research experience,
an ideal project you would like to work on in your first year,
and why it may be interesting to me
- If you are looking for a Postdoc position why you think we would be a good match, what broad topics you would like to work on, and a couple of your past papers that you have really enjoyed working on.
Some topics I am personally interested in are
- Trustworthy Machine Learning including
differential privacy, robustness, unlearning, certification, fairness
etc. and
- Learning with limited and imperfect data
including unlabelled data, noisy data, and under
distribution shift.
See below for specific funded positions starting in 2025. If you already have funding or are interested in co-supervision by me, please reach out to me by email. For all positions, a strong background in mathematics and computer science is necessary.